Hello ...!
Greetings - and thank you for joining me. It's really appreciated!
This week you'll find links to a guest post on security and personalization at tradeshows and events, an article on the tradeoffs you make when marketing at tradeshows, and a really fun and informative interview with Robert Middleton on this week's
TradeshowGuy Monday Morning Coffee.
If you're a semi-faithful reader, you know I listen to a lot of music and often share the soundtrack that I'm absorbing while putting this newsletter together. Frankly, the soundtrack for this issue was provided by a handful of bands you've never heard of and never will. In my earlier days, I was a drummer (mostly) and guitarist (now and then) for a handful of bands in the Portland area. We were mostly garage bands built
among good friends who liked to party, play original music and do a handful of occasional gigs for fun. Enough to know that pursuing a career in music probably wouldn't lead to much (who wants to schlep a set of drums out of a downtown bar at 2 am?). But damn, it was fun! I've had a chance to reacquaint myself with those days as I archive several dozen cassettes (remember those?)! So to my former bandmates in A Band of Song, Excuses, Saviors, Creative Living Council:
here's to you and all that fun we had!