Ho, Ho, Ho...are you ready for the New Year?

Published: Tue, 12/24/13

Hi ,

Ho, Ho, Ho...and a Merry Christmas to you! And a Happy New Year, naturally!

Where do you begin in the new year when it comes to tradeshow marketing? One thing we suggest is to start with a full tradeshow marketing analysis to uncover where the holes are in your approach and practice. Once you figure out where the holes are, you can then craft a plan to fill the holes.

As a result, you can more easily move past your competition.

It's still an astonishing statistic, but it has held for decades: about 4 in 5 leads gathered at tradeshow are NOT followed up on. It could be that they weren't properly graded, or they were left in the packing crate, or they were given to a salesperson who didn't have enough information to properly follow up - but it does still happen.

The best way to succeed at tradeshow marketing is to make sure all of the people in your company involved are educated on all facets of the company's goals and operations. Without that knowledge, it's easy to let things fall between the cracks.

So starting now and going into the first quarter of 2014, I'll be blogging about the importance of performing a tradeshow marketing analysis, or audit - and show you exactly how to do it.

Start with the first in a series of blog posts here.

And best wishes to you and yours in 2014!!


