Expo West Follow Up and More...

Published: Tue, 03/31/15

Hi ...

Whether you attended the Natural Products Expo West or not earlier this month in Anaheim, you might be have some fun with my follow up blog post titled "Blisters, Wacky Booth Awards and Reflections." Booth awards include "Big Ass Graphic," "Most Iconic Cut-Out" and "Biggest Boobs." Really.

Or you might like the second follow up I posted about being "Stuck out In Left Field," where I look at the challenges of being stuck with a booth location that is, shall we say, out of the main flow of traffic.

And if you look a little further back, I wrote about the process of performing a SWOT Analysis on your tradeshow marketing. What's a SWOT Analysis? Check it out here.

Earlier this year I wrote about the question that sort of lay on the table as I spoke about a new exhibit with a potential client: "Why do exhibits cost so much?" Do you think they cost that much, or is it simply not being fully informed on the market pricing?

(That's me being schooled on the use of Instagram, by the way, by MagdaAngel...)

Oh! By the way, I'm getting close to the last edit go-round on a manuscript for a highly eashy-to-ready and useful book on Tradeshow Marketing. I'll be asking for your input shortly with a brief survey. Keep your eyes peeled!


Tim Patterson