I want to share a few new things this week with you from the busy TradeshowGuy outpost...
You may recall I launched my new book Tradeshow Success: 14 Proven Steps to Take Your Tradeshow Marketing to the Next Level a month ago. During the first three
weeks of the launch, I released 14 videos, each one addressing one of the 14 steps in the book. I've collected all of the videos into a brief playlist (each video is between 90 seconds and 2.5 minutes or so). Check out the full list
We love our friends...always trying to help you out with
information that you can put to use at your next tradeshow appearance. For example, the folks at Bartizan Connects have a new e-book on how to use Facebook with your tradeshow appearance. Pick up 10
Steps to Facebook Success at Your Tradeshow.
Next...I saw that Handshake
has just put out a nice little collect they're calling The Ultimate Tradeshow Marketing Kit. Also no charge!