Want a free copy of my new book? Open Now!

Published: Mon, 11/02/15

Hey !...Download my new book free (limited time)!
+ In the interest of helping you out (and doing a little promotion, too...)
It's finally here! My new book "Tradeshow Success: 14 Proven Steps to Take Your Tradeshow Marketing to the Next Level" is out. 

It's available here on Amazon.com. You're certainly welcome to purchase it there, but if you want a free digital download, click through to the main book website at TradeshowSuccessBook.com. 

Starting today, I'm going to post a series of 14 videos on YouTube and spread them throughout the social media universe via Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and more. Each video takes a brief look at one of the steps detailed in the book. I'll be using the hashtag #14days so that you can go to Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram and search for the hashtag. 

Each weekday for the next 14 days, I'll post another video. Watch for it!

In the meantime, take a trip and click through to the book website where you can download a free digital copy of the book here.

The book is targeted at any tradeshow marketer who feels that tradeshow marketing has great potential, but for some reason that potential is not being reached.

If that's you, please grab a copy now! I know you'll find a lot of helpful information inside. 

And feel free to share that link with colleagues, too!

Best regards,

Tim Patterson
Tradeshowguy Exhibits