Tradeshow Blog-hopping [Tradeshow Marketing Newsletter]

Published: Thu, 06/23/16

Hello ...

If you were able to make it to last week's webinar, thanks! If not, we've posted a replay for you. And congrats to Ronnie Noize of Vancouver for sticking around to the end - she won a copy of my book Tradeshow Success!

Given the busy summer schedule with traveling, vacations, family events, etc., we'll skip the July webinar and look to early August for the next. I'll keep you posted.

Looking to online information that we hope you find useful in your quest for a better tradeshow experience, I thought it might be worth it to point to you another tradeshow blog or three. Okay, four.

First, let's start with our pals at Classic Exhibits. Check out their Trade Show Tales blog by looking at this post 10 Common Myths About Trade Shows, and see if you've been living under the illusion that any of them are real.

Next, look at our friends over at Bartizan Connects. Their blog features a new article this week entitled 6 Ways Small  Businesses Can Afford a Big-Time Trade Show.

Now we'll go over to TSNN and check out their busy blog, including How to Plan Events for Gen Z.

Finally, a quick stop at Melissa Michel's blog with the post How to Jump Start Your Event Social Media.
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Until next time!
Tim Patterson [Tradeshowguy]
Tim Patterson [Tradeshowguy]