Tradeshow Logistics Webinar Replay [Tradeshow Marketing Newsletter]

Published: Tue, 08/02/16

Hello ...

Just last week we did a webinar with the good people at called "Tradeshow Logistics: Getting Your Ducks in a Row." It covered things such as shipping, show services, lead generation, graphic updates, scheduling and more. 

Thanks to Handshake, you can catch the replay now!

New this week [video]: How to know when it's time for a new tradeshow booth
Some companies have the budget to buy a new tradeshow booth every few years. Others struggle by with their pitiful 10x10 booth for years, barely changing a thing. So it's easy to say there's no one answer for when you might seriously consider investing in a new tradeshow booth.

But there is a way to look at all angles and determine what's best for you. Check out this short video in our ongoing series on what it takes to find a new tradeshow exhibit consultant.
The Power of Tradeshows: Infographic
We heard from our friends at Veloxity, Inc this week and they offered to share a new infographic which looks at the power of tradeshows. It's definitely worth a look.
You're invited to grab a digital copy of my book, Tradeshow Success: 14 Proven Steps to Take Your Tradeshow Marketing to the Next Level, by swinging by

And if you'd like to schedule a free consultation, here's where to do that.
Have a great August!
Tim Patterson [Tradeshowguy]
Tim Patterson [Tradeshowguy]