2017 is crawling up your ankles and will grab you by the neck before you have a chance to realize it's happening! Are you ready for a new year?
Yes, I realize it's just another day, just another month, just another year. But when we switch a calendar date from one year to the next, we tend to make a big deal out of it. We
reassess. We change our minds, we refocus. We make decisions.
Starting in January, I'm going to make a change. It's something I've been thinking about for a few months ago. It was late fall when I ran across a couple of business folks who were doing what I thought was an interesting thing: they did a weekly video blog (vlog) and spent just a few minutes discussing what they were up to in their business. So I thought - hey, I can copy and adapt
that idea. I'm already using a great webinar platform, and it would be easy to schedule a brief live webinar or vlog using that platform.
So after much thought - mainly to see if I think I can do it on a regular basis and make it worthwhile and engaging (or at least interesting to me!), I'm going to give it a try. I'm in the office every Monday morning with few exceptions, so at 9 am PT I'm going to open up the portal, turn on the
camera and microphone and spew forth with things that are on my mind - and hopefully I'll find some interesting things. There'll be some industry and tradeshow related things, some personal things, and a look at how I run the business and so on and so forth. I'll also have industry guests, much like I do on many of the ongoing longer-form webinars, and I"ll look to book people on the vlog as I see fit. I figure I'll give it three or four months and if the experiment fails, I'll pull the
If you're on my TradeshowGuy Webinars list, you'll get notifications. If not, you're welcome to sign up at
TradeshowGuyWebinars.com. And of course, the videos will get posted on the blog.