Yeah, it's July and a lot of people are vacationing. Heck, I'm going to throw a tent up for a few days out in the wilderness this week. So it's hard to get in touch with people. Emails bounce back with vacation 'out of office' messages. This is when you gotta push a little harder!
Here's what's new on TradeshowGuy Blog this week:
On the 4th of July, I posted
Let Freedom Ring, a short look at the country's 241st birthday.
Then a couple of days later I posted
What Does a Tradeshow Manager Do? which seemed to get a lot of looks, likes and even a comment and a share or two on LinkedIn and Twitter.
This week's
TradeshowGuy Monday Morning Coffee explored time management and time blocking to put a little structure in your day. And the tradeshow tip
of the week looked at the specifics of tradeshow lead follow-up.