Greetings - and welcome to this week's TradeshowGuy Newsletter.
I never thought I was that big of a football fan, but coming off a weekend in which BOTH of the teams I root for (Ducks/Seahawks) managed to lose, it's disheartening. And both were winnable games!
you've tried to access any of our sites, including
TradeshowGuy Blog,
TradeshowGuy Exhibits, or others at the beginning of this week, you may have noticed that they were not there. It was a database error from our host, which tells me that when you max out all of the storage, nothing works. All of which meant that all of our company sites were down for over 72 hours
- and no business email.
In the meantime (now that things are back up), there are a few new things to direct your attention to on the sites.
Two new articles:
First, this week's
TradeshowGuy Monday Morning Coffee features an interview with
Classic Exhibits' Mel White, the VP of Business Development. We talk
about rental exhibits and how that world has changed, and some of the changes to the fantastic Exhibit Design Search, the best online exhibit search tool you'll ever find.