How's that Company Social Media Policy doing, ?
Published: Fri, 11/01/13
Hi Do you have a Company Social Media Policy?What are the e pectations of your employees when they engage on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Pinterest?…
Tradeshow Marketing Newsletter
Published: Fri, 11/01/13
Hi Do you have a Company Social Media Policy?What are the e pectations of your employees when they engage on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Pinterest?…
Published: Wed, 10/23/13
Hi ,A quick one today: three short videos on how companies have used social media in and around their event marketing, whether it be handling an event…
Published: Wed, 10/16/13
Hi ,People say to me: yup, those iPad kiosks are sure nice. But why would I want them in a booth? What difference would it make?Let's get right to it.
Published: Wed, 10/02/13
Hi If you're an e perienced tradeshow marketer, you may feel like skipping this email.On the other hand, if you have never e hibited - or only e…
Published: Tue, 09/17/13
Hi ,Thought you might like to read the new guest blog post by Amanda of '' on Five ways to use social media at…
Published: Tue, 09/10/13
What are the best Tradeshow Travel Apps? There's a new posting at Perhaps you'll want to look at it with an eye to grabbing a…
Published: Wed, 09/04/13
SAVE 13% ON iPAD KIOSKS? Hi, I hope you had a fun and engaging Labor Day Weekend! Here at the Patterson household, I think I ended up doing too much…
Published: Thu, 08/08/13
Can I ask 2 questions? I'm in the process of setting up a new website and thought I'd send out a quick survey to see what you thought - and perhaps…
Published: Wed, 08/07/13
Did you see this? Hi, Just thought I'd drop you a quick note on a couple of blog posts in July that you may have missed. I know how busy you are! The…
Published: Wed, 07/24/13
Update from the traveling HQ... In which our intrepid traveler finds his roots... Hi -- It's been some time since I checked in with you on this so-…